Surely many remember the wonderful lines of Pushkin, and when there was a special ring, for many in life have the value of his own charms, and in most cases is associated with better events, called to bring good luck.

In general, it is the goal of each light mascot: lucky in all endeavors, protection from trouble and in happiness, finally. Be our constant companions, have small dimensions. Of course, it is still and strictly an individual subject, so it tells you how to make the amulet with his hands in the household, it is precisely this approach in the creation of the most optimal.
Definition of amulet and its features
Many centuries a considerable number of people, who were trying to find some items, as their magical properties, which would help man in his efforts and actions, or just protecting it from problems. It can be said that the amulets and amulets in that time got your classification and division:
- for the protection of its owner;
- for warning of the danger;
- for assistance in solving problems;
- attract luck and happiness.
It should be understood that in the case of the efforts of their negative use, for the purpose of bringing harm to others, such amulet will inevitably lose its magical power. This is the original use – only for good and clear objectives.
But, again, to find myself, it is not necessary in a purely vocational skills or his banal purchase. How to make an amulet for happiness with his own hands, now to describe and to explain.
Firstly, the form of the amulet
Some forms of the amulet has a rigorous basis, that there is need to start before him a clear goal – to do what it is intended, and depending on that, determine the type and material.
If small dimensions in a generally understandable, as an amulet constantly have to be in the us, then any kind of form means the following:
- the circle is a symbol of prosperity and harmony;
- oval — this is an indication of talent and flexibility in decision-making;
- square — symbolizes strength and endurance, the signature in itself the strength of all four elements;
- triangle — promotes contact with higher forces, attracts good luck.
What is called, the most common forms of magical items. In addition to these, of course, there are other. For example, in the shape of a star with different number of rays, scenery animal, the human heart, and so on.
By the way, as the amulet can get off and the coin is a specially made hole to hang it on the lace or string, or already originally issued with the hole as the japanese or chinese coins. As talismans, as usual, on the wealth and well-being, often you can meet and as a fashion attribute or decoration.
As an amulet it is square-shaped is ideal even playing bones or a small plate of wood. And mascot in the form of one or more nodules – a beautiful amulet from the negative impacts of, on the one hand, and to attract good luck – on the other side.
Second, the material for the amulet
Here is certainly room for imagination much more. However, you must remember one thing, but an iron rule.
The material for the amulet may be just and only natural, no attention artificially!
Not a lot of smaller requirement that the preference – pleasantness to the touch, because sometimes the amulet can constantly move your fingers, what should cause only a soothing and positive feelings. So the first thing you need – is it a tree, with various interesting and attractive, and sometimes, and very, with a magical point of view, the valuable breed can be easily processed at home. Not smaller popularity they have amulets, made of metal, or even from different tissues.
The charm of signs of the Zodiac

Speaking of charms, you cannot go past the signs of the Zodiac, because each of them carries their own, pure he, charm, manifested in objects. We are well known, how they differ from each other, and therefore, if we talk about the personality of the mascot, then can not do without the more subtle settings for each. In large part, this process has already been described, have left him just for me to try on, and the following applies:
- Aries,the more profitable the amulet round or square shape, the colors – orange, green;
- Taurus, it is desirable mascot in a brutal form, more precisely, the i – elephant, color – bright;
- The twins, the best form – in the form of keys or locks, color – blue, blue and white;
- Cancer, the basic shape – a heart, or a month, or as a figurine, or a picture of cancer of the gold are the colors – gold;
- The lion,the mascot of the round shape, or in the form of the lion or the eagle, the color of honey;
- Virgin, pure handmade made of clay or plaster, the color – bright;
- Scales, also in the form, but the material with the color – silver;
- Scorpio, the shape of the frog or with his picture, the color at the same time – red;
- Shooter, on the choice of bronze in the form of horseshoes, arrows, or bug-scarab;
- Capricorn, an amulet in the form of a ladder or a coin, the color or the material itself – gold;
- Aquarius, again purely manual work, coupled with the sky (flight) – pen bird or small an angel;
- The fish most associated with the water signs, therefore, defined only by the color for them – blue.
The basic conditions for the creation of
Must be at least clear that the amulets are created, if you like, and on certain days and even hours.
First of all, what you need to consider once you have decided on the shape, color and material that go into its creation is the best on the growing moon. Alone a Month at this time supports all beginnings.

Secondly, there is a difference and day of the week, because each of them goes his own planet, which should promote, e.g.:
- in the middle — as for the money;
- Friday is best done love amulets;
- on Sunday carried out an amulet for good luck.
Third, create amulets need to be in an atmosphere full of calm and concentration. As the lighting are suitable for both candles and sunlight. The state must be quiet – no irritability or negative, only a positive emotional mood, and even on what not distracted.
Fourth, make sure, once it completes its work, wrap the amulet in a cloth and place it on all night under my pillow. It is important for a more complete connection of your subconscious mind with the fact that you have invested in mascot, fine tuning, after which the amulet can be considered to be definitively ready.
Fifth, it is one more important rule – try to say goodbye to his amuletom, to have him always with you, but does not show at this from the outside, and the more he told of his strength and abilities. It's a special knowledge too intimate for you properties, it has been known for foreigners without the risk of hurt.
Adhere to these basic rules is very important, otherwise there can be no assurance that the resulting amulet, made with his own hands, even if how is someone able to fulfil its purpose.
Recently, apart from the shape, the colors and the signs of the Zodiac a certain popularity have received the tradition of the chinese lunar calendar, in particular the symbolism of this or that year. There is no reason to doubt the deep and centuries-old wisdom of the East, so we look at the individual items according to their calendar.